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Local - Fees - Bill Payer Mapping

This will help a TI to create a mapping from the payer ref to the internal id of the payer (or vice versa as a variation on a theme)

An alternative approach to obtaining similar data is available via the reporting engine. NB: If a similar mapping is needed from pupil references to internal ids then the reporting engine may be the only option.

Additional DLLs referenced

  • Fees7Entities.Dll
  • Fees7Processes.Dll

A SIMS login is required before these calls can be made typically with a fees manager permission level.

Calling model

SIMSInterface.BillPayerMap bpm = new SIMSInterface.BillPayerMap();Dictionary<int, string> BillPayerMapping = bpm.getBillPayerMap();


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SIMS.Entities;

namespace SIMSInterface
    public class BillPayerMap
        SIMS.Processes.FeesAgedDebtorsDetail fadd = new SIMS.Processes.FeesAgedDebtorsDetail();
        SIMS.Processes.FeesBillPayerBrowse payerBrowseProcess = new SIMS.Processes.FeesBillPayerBrowse();
        SIMS.Entities.FeesBillPayerBrowse feesBillPayerBrowse = new FeesBillPayerBrowse();

        public Dictionary<int,string> getBillPayerMap()
            Dictionary<int,string> result = new Dictionary<int, string>();  
            FeesBillPayerSummarys x = getPayersSummary();
            foreach ( FeesBillPayerSummary f in x.Value)
            return result;
        private void createAndAssignDummyAttributes()
            FeesPupilStatus objFeesPupiltatus = new FeesPupilStatus(-1, "<Any>", "<Any>", true);
            feesBillPayerBrowse.PupilStatusAttribute.Value = objFeesPupiltatus;
            feesBillPayerBrowse.PayerRefAttribute.Value = "";

            FeesPaymentType paymentTypeAny = new FeesPaymentType();
            paymentTypeAny.Description = "<Any>";
            paymentTypeAny.codeAttribute.Value = Cache.CurrentDatabase.WildcardAny;
            paymentTypeAny.PaymentTypeIDAttribute.Value = -1;
            feesBillPayerBrowse.PaymentTypeAttribute.Value = paymentTypeAny;

            YearGroup yearGroupAny = new YearGroup();
            yearGroupAny.ID = -1;
            yearGroupAny.Description = "<Any>";
            yearGroupAny.Code = Cache.CurrentDatabase.WildcardAny;
            yearGroupAny.Active = "A";
            feesBillPayerBrowse.YearGroupAttribute.Value = yearGroupAny;

            // Extra reg group entities
            RegistrationGroup registrationGroupAny = new SIMS.Entities.RegistrationGroup();
            registrationGroupAny.ID = -1;
            registrationGroupAny.Description = "<Any>";
            registrationGroupAny.Code = Cache.CurrentDatabase.WildcardAny;
            registrationGroupAny.Active = "A";
            feesBillPayerBrowse.RegGroupAttribute.Value = registrationGroupAny;

            Tier objTier = new Tier();
            objTier.ID = -1;
            objTier.Description = "<Any>";
            objTier.Code = Cache.CurrentDatabase.WildcardAny;
            objTier.Active = "A";
            feesBillPayerBrowse.TierAttribute.Value = objTier;

            House objHouse = new House();
            objHouse.ID = -1;
            objHouse.Description = "<Any>";
            objHouse.Code = Cache.CurrentDatabase.WildcardAny;
            objHouse.Active = "A";
            feesBillPayerBrowse.HouseAttribute.Value = objHouse;

            Boarder objBoarder = new Boarder();
            objBoarder.ID = -1;
            objBoarder.Description = "<Any>";
            objBoarder.Code = Cache.CurrentDatabase.WildcardAny;
            objBoarder.Active = "A";
            feesBillPayerBrowse.BoarderStatusAttribute.Value = objBoarder;

            EntityAttribute isACompanyPayer = new EntityAttribute(InformationDomainEnum.None, new AbstractCollectionReference(GetCompany));
            feesBillPayerBrowse.IsACompanyPayerAttribute.Value = GetCompany().ItemByDescription("<Any>");


        private FeesBillPayerSummarys getPayersSummary()
            payerBrowseProcess.BillPayerBrowse = feesBillPayerBrowse;
            payerBrowseProcess.Search(false);//this will populate BillPayers which is Payers Summery
            return payerBrowseProcess.BillPayerBrowse.BillPayers;

        private static AbstractCollection GetCompany()
            AbstractCollection coll = new AbstractCollection();
            AbstractGroup any = new AbstractGroup(null, -1, "<Any>", "<Any>");
            AbstractGroup yes = new AbstractGroup(null, 1, "Yes", "Yes");
            AbstractGroup no = new AbstractGroup(null, 0, "No", "No");
            return coll;


Example Output

Simple dictionary is created.

This uses the same base code as the fees transaction list or aged debtor reports.  If a different subset of payers is needed then the browse parameters can be adjusted.