SIMS 7 - Parental Consents
Parental Consents are defined in SIMS based on a lookup table 'Parental Consents'. Schools are free to refactor the lookup table to meet their need and can remove or make inactive any values shipped by SIMS.

Moreover, the use of consents by different schools may define the same consent name e.g. 'Photographs', to mean different things. For example, one school may use this to record permission for the pupil's photo to be taken by the school photographer and the other may mean that the parent / pupil has consented to their photo being used for school marketing.

It is essential that any TI wishing to use consents in SIMS allows the school to specifically define the name of the consent that they wish a TI application to check. This ensures that the school carries the responsibility for collecting and defining what <Consent X> means.
Further caution is needed when using the reporting engine to export consents.

Users have a choice of a comma-separated list or a multiple-record set.

It is essential that the full 'consent' description is checked for including the comma within the string if concatenation is used. Examples of potential problems are when consents are defined as say:
- Photo
- Photo for marketing
and the value 'Photo' would exist in both. 'Photo,' would be specific. It is incumbent on schools to avoid ambiguous consents such as consent values of the form:
- Consent A
- Consent B
- Consent A, Consent B and Consent C
This is clearly an edge case but is actually possible to do.