SIMS 7 - Sample Code - Curriculum Year at DOL
Overview of Example
Example Call
List<SIMSInterface.NCatYOL> NCYearsForLeavers = SIMSInterface.GetNCYearatDOL.GetNCatYOLList();
json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(NCYearsForLeavers, Formatting.Indented);
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "ncys.json"), json);
Output Class
public class NCatYOL
public int id;
public string NCYear;
Code Sample
public static List<NCatYOL> GetNCatYOLList()
List<NCatYOL> CatList = new List<NCatYOL>();
// We need to initialize the Calendar Cache (Pre - requisite – no explanation offered).
// Requires reference to CalendarProcesses.dll
SIMS.Entities.CalendarCache calCache = new SIMS.Entities.CalendarCache();
//Create the Browse Process
SIMS.Processes.StudentBrowseProcess studentBrowse = new SIMS.Processes.StudentBrowseProcess();
SIMS.Entities.StudentSummarys students = studentBrowse.GetStudents(
"Leaver" // Leavers
, SIMS.Entities.Cache.WildcardAny // Surname any
, SIMS.Entities.Cache.WildcardAny // Forename Any
, studentBrowse.RegistrationGroupAny.Code // Any
, studentBrowse.YearGroupAny.Code // The current year gp
, studentBrowse.HouseAny.Code // Any house
, studentBrowse.TierAny.Code // Any Tier
, DateTime.Now // Effective Date
, false); // Photos
foreach (SIMS.Entities.StudentSummary student in students)
EditStudentInformation studentsedt = new EditStudentInformation();
studentsedt.Load(new Person(student.ID), DateTime.Now);
NCatYOL ncy = new NCatYOL(); = student.PersonID;
string ncYear = "?";
ncYear = studentsedt.Student.NationalCurriculumYearForLeaver ;
if (studentsedt.Student.NationalCurriculumYear !=null)
ncYear = studentsedt.Student.NationalCurriculumYear.Description;
ncy.NCYear = ncYear;
// Other fields are available if required.
return CatList;
Example Output
"id": 12105,
"NCYear": "Curriculum Year 11"
NB: Code could be selected in place of the description above.