SIMS 7 - Communication Log
Warning. The code included here was from a 2011 publication and has not been rechecked. If problems arise in use then please contact us for assistance. The principles have not changed.
This document only discusses the interfaces for managing the communication log.
Below is a list of the main DLL’s you will need to reference. When needed, other DLL’s to reference will be included in the Interface description.
Entries in the communication log tie the message to the student in SIMS .net via the Communications Processes and Entities.
Retrieve the logs summaries for a student.
There are 3 overloaded Search methods available for getting the data from the Communications log.
This is a pure SIMS call and does not need to interface with the Communications Web Service to retrieve data.
Assembly: AdmissionsProcesses.dll
Process: SIMS.Processes.Admissions.CommunicationBrowser
Method: Search
Entities populated: SIMS.Entities.Admissions.CommunicationSummary
Code example:
private const int BenAbbotId = 5253;
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SIMS.Processes.Admissions.CommunicationBrowser c = new
foreach (SIMS.Entities.Admissions.CommunicationSummary s in c.Communications)
string notes = s.Notes;
int commId = s.ID;
string type = s.Type;
Retrieve the detail of the log for a student
This is a pure SIMS call and does not need to interface with the Communications Web Service to retrieve data.
Assembly: AdmissionsProcesses.dll
Process: SIMS.Processes.Admissions.CommunicationDetails
Method: Load
Entities populated: SIMS.Entities.Admissions.Communication
Code example:
private const int BenAbbotId = 5253;
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SIMS.Processes.Admissions.CommunicationBrowser c = new
foreach (SIMS.Entities.Admissions.CommunicationSummary s in c.Communications)
string notes = s.Notes;
int commId = s.ID;
string type = s.Type;
SIMS.Processes.Admissions.CommunicationDetail com
= new SIMS.Processes.Admissions.CommunicationDetail();
string text = com.Communication.Notes;
Delete an entry from the communication log.
This is a pure SIMS call and does not need to interface with the Communications Web Service to retrieve data.
Assembly: AdmissionsProcesses.dll
Process: SIMS.Processes.Admissions.CommunicationBrowse
Method: DeleteCommunication
Description: There are 2 overloaded methods to delete from the communications log.
Code example:
using (CommunicationBrowser commsBrowser = new CommunicationBrowser())
int countCommsLog = commsBrowser.Communications.Count;
foreach( CommunicationSummary commSummary in commsBrowser.Communications )
string notes = commSummary.Notes.ToString();
int communicationID = commSummary.ID;
// delete the one thats no longer required using the summary.....
// or delete the one using the ID.....
Delete an entry from the communication log.
This is a pure SIMS call and does not need to interface with the Communications Web Service to retrieve data.
Assembly: AdmissionsProcesses.dll
Process: SIMS.Processes.Admissions.CommunicationDetail
Method: Save()
Description: Sample for how to add an entry to the communications log.
Code example:
private const int BenAbbotId = 5253;
private const int FrancesMumAbbotId = 175;
private void addToCommsLog()
SIMS.Processes.Admissions.CommunicationBrowser browser
= new CommunicationBrowser();
SIMS.Processes.Admissions.CommunicationDetail m_HostedProcess
= new CommunicationDetail();
m_HostedProcess.Communication.Type = new CommunicationType();
// Communicatee
SIMS.Processes.EditContact editCont = new EditContact();
editCont.Populate(new Person(FrancesMumAbbotId));
IIDEntity personCont = editCont.Contact;
CommunicationPerson commPersonCont
= new CommunicationPerson((PersonSummary)personCont);
= ((PersonSummary)personCont).ChosenName;
// About person - student
SIMS.Processes.EditStudentInformationReadOnly editStud
= new EditStudentInformationReadOnly();
editStud.Load(new Person(BenAbbotId), DateTime.Now.Date);
IIDEntity personq = editStud.Student;
CommunicationPerson commPerson
= new CommunicationPerson((PersonSummary)personq);
commPerson.ForenameAttribute.Value = ((PersonSummary)personq).ChosenName;
// Load all of the lookups
CommunicationDirections directs =
CommunicationContextCollection contexts =
CommunicationPriorities prioritys =
CommunicationTypes types =
CommunicationLogTypes logTypes =
// Pick a value - partner application will obviously need to allow the user to
// choose it rather than selecting the first random value
foreach (CommunicationDirection direct in directs)
m_HostedProcess.Communication.Direction = direct;
foreach (CommunicationContext context in contexts)
m_HostedProcess.Communication.Context = context;
foreach (CommunicationPriority priority in prioritys)
m_HostedProcess.Communication.Priority = priority;
foreach (CommunicationType type in types)
m_HostedProcess.Communication.TypeAttribute.Value = type;
foreach (CommunicationLogType t in logTypes)
m_HostedProcess.Communication.LogTypeAttribute.Value = t;
// Now complete the information before saving
= "These are from the Testbed: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
string whatsup = "";
if (!m_HostedProcess.Valid())
// Failed to save – See why…
ValidationErrors errors = new ValidationErrors();
foreach(ValidationError e in errors)
whatsup += e.Message;