SIMS 7 - People and data for people
Technical Integrators have asked about extracting people from SIMS. For example they may want a list of everyone associated with the school to compile the 'Can you help with the school fete' list. The underlying data structures have an abstract concept for people.

Most of the apis reflect the design. Hence you can easily get hold of a student and get for example to their medical events via the student processes or 3rd party processes; but there are many fewer methods that deal directly with 'Person'.
In addition, TIs are asked to note that not every type of person has every property of the generic person implemented. For example a contact may have an occupation but an applicant would not. This is usually reflected in the available APIs.
In conclusion, if the application needs to have a set of every type of person in SIMS, then it is likely that the application would need to extract each type of person separately and join them up where appropriate.