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SIMS 7 - Timetable Advice for Testers


Recent changes to Attendance Marks have highlighted the need to test partner applications against unusual time table scenarios.  The scenarios in question are:

  • Multiple teachers for a class
  • Multiple rooms for a class
  • Multiple teachers and rooms for a class

By unusual we simply mean that most lessons typically have 1 teacher and 1 room.  There may be few or many examples of the multiple configurations above depending on how the school chooses to operate.

Creating Multiples

Go to:   Focus | Student [Pupil] | Student [Pupil] Details

Pick a student

Click on the Timetable link on the right hand side of the page.

SIMS Student Timetable
Student Timetable

Click on a lesson of your choice and look at the top right to get the class code.

In this case:        10y/Sc2

Editing rooms and teachers

Go to:   Focus | School | Edit Lesson Staff and Rooms

Editing Rooms and Teachers
Find Lesson

Search for the above lesson.

Select one of the periods

Select effective date range
Timetable date picker

Uncheck the restrict date range option.

Press Ok

Data Loss Warning
Warning Dialog

Press Yes

Press the Add Teacher Button

Lesson Details
Edit Resources

Press Save

Click on Browse

Select the second lesson

Lesson Details #2
Edit Resources

Press Add room

Pick a room



Pick the 3rd period

Lesson Details #3
Edit Resources

Add 3 teachers and 3 rooms

This will give all 3 ‘unusual’ cases:

  • Class with multiple teachers
  • Class with multiple rooms
  • Class with 4 teachers in 4 rooms

Student’s updated time table

SIMS 7 Student Timetable
Student Timetable



Double Click on the red numbers and a popup will show the classes for the lessons.

Response message boxes
Feedback Message Boxes


I had hoped to show examples within the training data but after mulling it over, it is so simple to set up that it will likely be easier to test if the partner was to create the scenarios themselves.

The examples took at most 5 minutes to create but longer to document the process.



Monday, 23 January 2012