SIMS 7 - Sample Code - Staff Iteration using staff edit
Overview of Example
This demonstrates how to obtain an example set of staff data using the employee browse and detail form.
Example Call
List<SIMSInterface.StaffDetails> sd = SIMSInterface.Staff.GetStaff();
string _sd = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sd,Formatting.Indented);
File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(OutputFolder,"staff.json"), _sd);
Output Class
public class StaffDetails
public int id;
public string name;
public List<string> FormerFamilyNames = new List<string>();
/// <summary>
/// Disability
/// </summary>
public List<string> Impairments = new List<string>();
/// <summary>
/// QTLS
/// </summary>
public string QTLS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// EYTS
/// </summary>
public string EYTS { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// NewlyQualifiedTeacher
/// </summary>
public string NQT { get; set; }
public List<dContracts> Contracts = new List<dContracts>();
Code Sample
public static List<StaffDetails> GetStaff()
List<StaffDetails> staffdatas = new List<StaffDetails>();
BrowseEmployee employees = new BrowseEmployee();
employees.Load(EmployeeFilter.All,"%","%","%","%","%",false, DateTime.Now);
foreach (SIMS.Entities.EmployeeSummary empSum in employees.Employees)
StaffDetails s = new StaffDetails();
SIMS.Processes.EditEmployee editEmployee = new EditEmployee(); = empSum.PersonID; = empSum.Forename + " " + empSum.Surname; // Just to make it readable
editEmployee.Load(empSum.PersonID, System.DateTime.Now);
foreach (SIMS.Entities.EmployeePreviousName name in editEmployee.Employee.PreviousNames)
s.QTLS = editEmployee.Employee.QTLSStatusAttribute.Value.ToString();
s.EYTS = editEmployee.Employee.EYTStatusAttribute.Value.ToString();
s.NQT = "Null";
if (editEmployee.Employee.NQTStatusAttribute.Value != null)
s.NQT = editEmployee.Employee.NQTStatusAttribute.Value.ToString();
foreach (SIMS.Entities.Impairment imp in editEmployee.Employee.ImpairmentsAttribute.Value)
{ // Need to decide what data is needed.
foreach( SIMS.Entities.Contract c in editEmployee.Employee.Contracts.Value)
dContracts x = new dContracts();
x.DestinationCode = "Null";
x.Origin = "Null";
x.Post = "Null";
if (c.Destination != null)
x.DestinationCode = c.Destination.Code;
if (c.Origin != null)
x.Origin = c.Origin.Code;
if (c.PostDescription != null)
x.Post = c.PostDescription;
foreach (SIMS.Entities.ContractScale sc in c.Scales.Value)
if (sc.RangeType) // Just consider pay range type records.
PayRange pr = new PayRange();
pr.Start = sc.StartDate;
pr.End = sc.EndDate;
pr.Amount = sc.SalaryAmount;
return staffdatas;
Example Output
"id": 12268,
"name": "Mildred Abdullah",
"FormerFamilyNames": [
"Impairments": [
"Wooden Leg"
"Contracts": [
"PayRange": [],
"Post": "TCHR-Teacher",
"DestinationCode": "Null",
"Origin": "TCHLEA"
"QTLS": "True",
"EYTS": "True",
"NQT": "Not in year 1 or 2 of QT Status Induction"