Children In Need - England and Independent Schools
We have been asked about accessing 'Children In Need' data in SIMS by one or more TIs. The children in need record set was added to English and Independent versions of SIMS for Students/Pupils in Autumn 2022. The plan is to complete the work in the Spring / Summer 2023 releases with the addition of the record set to applicants. There is also a plan to add this to the reporting dictionary.

This data historically has been collected from a local authority survey and is not mandatory (nor collected by the DfE currently) from the schools MIS.
An example of the survey outcomes can be found at 'DFE CIN 21-22'. (External Link which may change).
The data is highly sensitive and must be moved between systems with care. Please note that schools may not choose to store it in SIMS and/or it may not be up to date and hence the lack may be as a result of the data being stored elsewhere such as a safeguarding system.