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Free School Meal - Universal Credit Protection

Taken from our newsfeed.  It is unlikely that this will impact TIs because it simply means that schools are no longer eligible to 'check the flag' (and won't be able to do so).  However, those with existing eligibility are unaffected until they reach a school transition point.



Updated 28/02/2025 10:00 The beginning of the end

Please note that the process of ending the protection of FSM eligibility from Universal Credit begins on the 01/04/2025.

Any pupil with a start date for FSM after 31/03/2025 will not be protected from Universal Credit and can be assigned an end date for FSM depending on their circumstances.

Any pupil with a start date for FSM between 01/04/2018 and 31/03/2025 (inclusive) will continue to be protected from Universal Credit until the end of their current phase of education, e.g. primary in year 6 or secondary in year 11, at which point they can be assigned an end date for FSM depending on their circumstances.

This means that the full impact on Deprivation Pupil Premium will be delayed until 2031 or beyond for many schools.