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HR Assistant Command Line for SAM People

Overview of what the application does.

1.1        Base URLs

The application will access the SAM People web end points using credentials provided by SAM People.

      1. Base URL for all calls
        Live: https://sampeopledexlive.azurewebsites.net

1.1.2     Firewall

It is essential that all subdomains are allowed through the school firewall of the system in use.

      1. Which environment / firewall settings do I need?

Most schools will be using the Live environment above and only need to whitelist the live environment.

1.2        Credential Check
The application will use the credentials (user name and password) provided by SAM to obtain an access token from the SAM People Token Server. URLs must be white listed on school fire walls.

1.2.1     Token URL

<Base URL>/token

1.2.2     Response

This returns an access token if successful.

1.3        Instruction Request
The application makes a call to SAM People to see which of the calls below are required at that time.
1.3.1     Token URL:

<Base URL>/api/v1/sims/config

1.3.2     SIMS Credentials

This returns credentials for SIMS and the set of calls required.

1.3.3     Caution – Changing SIMS Passwords

If passwords are changed in SIMS , SAM People will need to be updated accordingly.

1.4.       SIMS Login

1.4.1     Response

The application will try to log in to SIMS and will terminate if this fails.

1.5        [Optional] Staff Basic Import / Export

1.5.1     Endpoint

              <Base URL>/api/v1/sims/employees



1.5.2     Contact Data

Nullable<int> PersonID;

string Title { get; set; }

string FirstName { get; set; }

string PreferredFirstName { get; set; }

string MiddleName { get; set; }

string Surname { get; set; }

string PreferredSurname { get; set; }

string NINumber { get; set; }

string PayrollNumber { get; set; }

string WorkEmail { get; set; }

string WorkTel { get; set; }

DateTime EmploymentStartDate { get; set; }

Nullable<DateTime> ContinuousServiceStart { get; set; }

DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

string TeacherRefNo { get; set; }

string Gender { get; set; }

Nullable<DateTime> EmploymentEndDate { get; set; }

string TeachingStaff { get; set; }

string TeacherCategory { get; set; }

string QTLS { get; set; }

string QTSRoute { get; set; }

string QTS { get; set; }

string EYTS { get; set; }

string HLTA { get; set; } Nullable<int> PersonID;

string Title { get; set; }

string FirstName { get; set; }

string PreferredFirstName { get; set; }

string MiddleName { get; set; }

string Surname { get; set; }

string PreferredSurname { get; set; }

string NINumber { get; set; }

string PayrollNumber { get; set; }

string WorkEmail { get; set; }

string WorkTel { get; set; }

DateTime EmploymentStartDate { get; set; }

Nullable<DateTime> ContinuousServiceStart { get; set; }

DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

string TeacherRefNo { get; set; }

string Gender { get; set; }

Nullable<DateTime> EmploymentEndDate { get; set; }

string TeachingStaff { get; set; }

string TeacherCategory { get; set; }

string QTLS { get; set; }

string QTSRoute { get; set; }

string QTS { get; set; }

string EYTS { get; set; }

string HLTA { get; set; }

1.6.3     Supported transfers


1.6.4.    Rules for Import

  • SAM is the source of truth.
  • SAM exports one or more staff members to SIMS.
  • All imports must have NI numbers or they will be ignored.
  • Matching NI numbers cause staff to be updated.
    • Updates can make the member of staff leave.
  • Non-Matching staff are added as new staff.
    • NB: changes to NI numbers should be made in SIMS first before changing SAM.
    • This may create a duplicate staff member but won’t effectively lose all academic assignments in SIMS when SAM is updated to the same NI number.
  • Unlike the UI version of HR Assistant.
    • SAM is not required to provide a full set of staff
    • Casual staff in SIMS are not impacted by the data exchange
    • [It is an arguable point whether all adults who deliver or assess any curriculum should be in the HR system!]
    • NB: A manual import of a single staff member via the UI version will make all other staff leave!  Seek advice before trying to fix sync problems unless the obvious solution to update SAM yields the correct solution.

1.7.       [Optional] Staff Absence Import / Export

1.7.1     Endpoint

              <Base URL>/api/v1/sims/absences

1.7.2     Contact Data

Nullable<int> PersonID

string NINumber

string PayrollNumber
string SAMReference

DateTime? StartDate

DateTime? EndDate

string PayRate

string AbsenceType

string IllnessCategory

Double? Days

Double? Hours

string StartTime

string EndTime

1.7.3     Supported transfers


1.7.4     Rules for Import

  • All exports from SAM must have a unique SAM Reference
  • The employee will be matched.
  • All of their absence records checked for a note containing the SAM Reference.
  • If found – the record is updated
  • If not – a new record is added

1.8.       [Optional] Staff Payroll Export

1.8.1     Endpoint

              <Base URL>/api/v1/sims/employees/contracts



1.8.2     Contact Data


      string AwardDate

      string Point

      string Amount


      List<ScaleAward> ScaleAward


      string ContractScaleExternalId

      string ScaleCode

      string ScaleDescription

      string ScaleStartDate

      string ScalePoint

      string RegionalPaySpine

      SalaryAwards SalaryAwards

      string ScaleEndDate


      List<Scale> Scale


      string Staff

      string NINumber

      string PersonExternalId

      string PayrollNumber

      string PostDescription

      string EmploymentType

      string ServiceTermHoursPerWeek

      string ServiceTermWeeksPerYear

      string ContractExternalId

      string ContractStartDate

      string ContractEndDate

      string ContractHoursPerWeek

      string ContractWeeksPerYear

      SalaryScales SalaryScales

      string FinancialSubgroupCode

      string FinancialSubgroupDescription

      Allowances Allowances

      SalaryRange SalaryRange


      string Date

      string Amount


      List<AllowanceAward> AllowanceAward


      string ContractAllowanceExternalId

      string AllowanceDescription

      string CategoryOfAdditionalPaymentCode

      string CategoryOfAdditionalPaymentDescription

      string ContractAllowanceAmount

      string StartDate

      AllowanceAwards AllowanceAwards

      string EndDate


      List<Allowance> Allowance


      string ContractScaleExternalId

      string RangeCode

      string RangeDescription

      string StartDate

      string EndDate

      string RegionalPaySpine

      string AnnualSalary




      List<Range> Range


      List<Contract> Contract


      string Version

      Contracts Contracts

1.8.3     Supported transfers

SIMS TO SAM (One way)

1.9.       [Optional] Staff Workforce Census Export

1.9.1     Endpoint

              <Base URL>/api/v1/sims/swc

1.9.2     Contact Data


       List<SWCRecord> SWCRecord


       Nullable<int> StaffID

       string Surname

       string Forename

       string NINumber

       string Subject

       string HoursTaught

       string NCYear

1.9.3     Supported transfers

  • SIMS TO SAM (One way)

1.9.4     Parameters

              SAM Config provides the start and end date for the export above.

1.10      [Optional] Staff Photo Export

1.10.1   Endpoint

              <Base URL>/api/v1/sims/employees/photos

1.10.2   Contact Data


        public int PersonID

        public string Photo

        public string NINumber

1.10.3   Supported transfers

  • SIMS TO SAM (One Way)

1.10.4   Note

              Export is a byte array of the image.



1.11      [Optional] Staff Qualifications

1.11.1   Endpoint

              <Base URL>/api/v1/sims/emmployees/qualifications

1.11.2   Contact Data

string NINumber

string Qualification

string Title

string Level

string FirstSubject

string ClassOfDegree

string Verified

1.11.3   Supported transfers

  • SIMS TO SAM (One Way)