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Web based API access to data in SIMS

Provided by SIMS ID

Available SIMS ID Based APIS

  1. IMS Global One Roster data for students, staff, classes and memberships.  
  2. Resource and Provisioning API - a RESTful API  for provisioning users into third-party systems


SIMS ID Based centralised APIs Overview

Comprising of: IMS Global One Roster data for students, staff, classes and memberships. This endpoint is fronted through SIMS ID and services SIMS 7. Resource and Provisioning API - a RESTful API that provides similar data to the IMS Global One Roster endpoint but with additional information around the person. This API is used for provisioning users into third-party systems often where SSO or other SIMS ID services are also required. This endpoint is fronted through SIMS ID and services SIMS 7 Data.


Identity and Access Management

The IAM services are based around SIMS ID (in education) and Single ID for non-education applications. Both platforms provide Identity and Access management and are based around industry standard, best practice applications. Service include OAuth2.0, OpenID Connect, SAML 2.0 integration services for Authentication User, role and group management is provided as part of the service as is inbuilt multifactor authentication. The IAM service supports direct user credential management through data ingestion, direct UI entry, and secure invite methodologies. Federated third-party identity providers are also supported.


Web - RAP API - Example Calls

Sample calls to assist with integrating ESS MIS products and our Resource and Provisioning APIs.


Web - OneRoster - Example Calls

Sample calls to assist with integrating ESS MIS products and IMS Global One Roster.
