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SIMS 7 - Behaviour Management API Calls

Negative behaviour is the alternative name given to Behaviour in SIMS (C/F positive behaviour for 'achievement').

The example below shows how behaviour can be modified within SIMS.

private static bool ModifyNegativeBehaviour()

            // get current acad year dates
            DateTime startDate = SIMS.Entities.StudentCache.CurrentAcademicYear.StartDate;
            DateTime endDate = SIMS.Entities.StudentCache.CurrentAcademicYear.EndDate;
            bool success = true;
            // add your points here
            int additionalPoints = 7;

            // load Chris Aaron in the the GA dataset
            MaintainBehaviourDetails process = new MaintainBehaviourDetails();
            process.LoadBehaviourDetails(new PersonID(12105));

            NegativeBehaviour behaviourToUpdate = null;

            // iterate through the behaviour collection to find the one for editing
            foreach (NegativeBehaviour negativeBehaviour in process.StudentBehaviour.NegativeBehaviours)
                // this years achievements
                if (negativeBehaviour.EventDate > startDate)
                    // entities may be null so check'em                    
                    if (!negativeBehaviour.ActivityTypeAttribute.IsNull)
                        string negBehaviourActivityTypeAttributeValue = negativeBehaviour.ActivityTypeAttribute.Value.ToString();
                    string negBehaviourRecordedByAttributeLegalFullName = negativeBehaviour.RecordedByAttribute.LegalFullName.ToString();
                    string negBehaviourRecordedByAttributeID = negativeBehaviour.RecordedByAttribute.ID.ToString();
                    //string negativeBehaviourEventTimeAttibute = negativeBehaviour.EventTimeAttibute.Value.Description;
                    //string negativeBehaviourLocationSubjectAttribute = negativeBehaviour.LocationSubjectAttribute.Value.Description;

                    // the Acheivement Type and its associated points
                    string negativeBehaviourBehaviourTypeDescription = negativeBehaviour.BehaviourType.DescriptionAttribute.Value;
                    int negativeBehaviourBehaviourTypePoints = negativeBehaviour.BehaviourType.PointsAttribute.Value;

                    behaviourToUpdate = new NegativeBehaviour(negativeBehaviour);

            process.LoadBehaviour(behaviourToUpdate, true);
            process.Behaviour.Comments = "Negative Behaviour Test Comments modified using test bed";
            // add points to the existing Behaviour type points. 
            process.Behaviour.CurrentStudentLink.EventPoints = process.Behaviour.CurrentStudentLink.EventPoints + additionalPoints;


            if (process.Behaviour.Valid())
                catch (System.Exception exception)
                    success = false;
                    //ManageLogging.LogMessage("Could not save positive/negative behaviour in BehaviourTestCase.ModifyBehaviour()", exception.Message);
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not save positive/negative behaviour in BehaviourTestCase.ModifyBehaviour()");
                success = false;
                //ManageLogging.LogMessage("Could not modify positive/negative behaviour in BehaviourTestCase.ModifyBehaviour() due to validation errors", "");

            return success;

Please check that the entity is valid before trying to save it.

Please also consider processing error messages in 'process.Behaviour.ValidationErrors'.