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SIMS 7 - Command Reporter (Processing)

Processing Data from SIMS Reporting

If integrators use the sample code provided (or modify it to meet their needs) then an XML document is returned to the executing program.

Typically, most developers should be able to transform the data returned in to the format / model needed by their application.

Whilst reports can be controlled to a considerable extent, it is possible that the report will return more information than the integrator’s application needs.  In this case, we would recommend that the data is post processed before the data leaves the school’s SIMS server.  For example, filtering may not allow you to extract pupils born on a Monday, but if that was the requirement, the student data would be extracted via the command reporter (or other means) and then processed by the application to ensure that only those students born on a Monday are passed to the integrator’s application.

Checking Data Returned

Please note that some reports can still execute in part if the user does not have the full permissions required to run the report.  Please check the response to make sure that all required elements are returned.